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- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

I. Rules Member

- Register Members: Do not remove the names, nicknames ... leader of the revolution, the party leaders, the state, the bad guys such as terrorism, fascism ... or unfair means.
- Do not leave a signature, avatar or personal information related to the political, economic and religious can be detrimental to the forum & unhealthy content.
- Do not let the oversized signature.
- No registration ID with special characters such as: [* ¤ ° '¯)]

II. General Provisions

1.Lap topic
- Topics must be concise, highlighting the idea to say.
- Failing to make the content theme is wrong with the overall operation of criteria for the section.
- Do not repeat a subject has or set up a topic with similar content.
- Failing to make the topic a widespread, many topics have images, minimize open multiple threads, making it hard to track.

2. Regarding the article content:
- Do not abuse the post function, not for text size too large.
- The following acts are called last question: Send multiple consecutive posts by deliberately splitting a content to more parts.
- Post match, true to the theme, not intentionally dilute the theme by sending out post content not related to the topic of the thread.
- Avoid the abuse of the emoticon.
- if post marked to be Vietnamese.
- Do not send the same content many articles in various topics.
- Do not use words too big, too small or abuse of fonts and colors.
- Not all viruses are sent to the board.
- No writing habits and customs violations, law, culture and Vietnam ...
- Do not write stigmatized, disparaging or insulting other members.

3. General regulations:
- is strictly forbidden to use the words, images, sound information, lack of culture.
- Avoid content reactionary politics and religion. Prohibited propaganda and inciting acts of violence, reactionary propaganda or other destructive behaviors.
- No fights, causing disunity board. If any members wish to object to the way the moderator may be sent to the Feedback forum for moderators or send messages to the administrator.
- To respect the author, and avoid copyright problems later article, if the article is collected and sent all members need to specify the source and record collectors that article.

4. Form of Discipline for Members of violations:
* Lightweight: Reminder
* Medium: Reminder + Lower level
* Weight: Depending on the seriousness of the violation will block access for a time and delete posts.
* Very heavy prevents access permanently.

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Rip by chupy